瑞士英语留学专业_瑞士英语留学专业有哪些 2025-01-25 04:03:47 0 0 瑞士说英语的人多吗? 英语是最常用的非国家语言,瑞士45%的人口经常说英语。 而英语在瑞士德语区比在意大利语区和法语区更加普及(分别为46%、37%和43%)。 在15至24岁的人口中,将近四分之三的人每周至少使用一次英语,可能是听说读写中任意一种,这与2014年相比增长了约十个百分点。 瑞士是英语国家吗? 不是,他有四种官方语言:法语,德语,意大利语和拉丁罗曼语,就是没有英语。 截至2012年12月,瑞士以德语、法语、意大利语及拉丁罗曼语4种语言为官方语言,居民中讲德语的约占65.6%,法语22.8%,意大利语8.4%,拉丁罗曼语0.6%,其他语言18.7%。 瑞士使用最广泛的语言是德语。26个州中有17个是德语州。西部地区主要讲法语,有4个法语州:日内瓦、汝拉、纳沙泰尔和沃州。有3个德法双语州:伯尔尼、弗里堡和瓦莱州。 去瑞士的英语作文? switzerland is the place i most want to visit. it is bordered by germany to the norht,france to the west italy to the south and austria to the east. switzerland is one of most beautiful place in the earth which has become a dream destinatian for everyday including me.the climate there is largely responsible for making the country such a popular tourist destination. the people there are also being well educated.there ara high standard of publicly-funed education famous universities include the university of zurich,university of berne. the climate is continental,and the temperature is modified by winds off the atlantic ocean.winters are cold,while summers tend to be hot and sunny. over 60% of the country is mountainous and a quarter of it is coverd in forests. what i dream to do in switzerland is skiing.switzerland is a word ski resort.for example,the titlis is well-konwn for skiing. small,mountainous and wealthy,with a population of just 7.5million,switzerland is renowned for its enviab 收藏(0)